The Beginning Farmer Working Group (BFWG) is a gathering of individuals working to support the next generation of farmers. This group includes employees of agriculture or community development organizations, researchers and students, and other food system advocates. Our virtual gatherings are open to anyone interested in strategizing around how to move Central Appalachia towards our goals.
Similar to other CAN working groups, we meet monthly to strategize, collaborate on regional projects, share resources, and learn from one another. Working groups have four functions:
- Think tanks focused on understanding and analyzing local and regional needs, economic trends, and gaps in sector capacity and infrastructure
- Strategy development hubs that build sector capacity and connectivity in key sectors
- Clearinghouses for resources and technical assistance
- Peer-learning spaces that develop organizational and leadership capacity for community economic development efforts
1. Create access to flexible funding for working farmers to engage in professional development and peer learning.
2. Organize learning journey tours for beginning farmers across Central Appalachia with farmers as educators.
3. Amplify strong and diverse beginning farmer programs in each state.
4. Support beginning farmers with mini grants for startup costs that are hard to fund.
For more details about each goal, view the pdf of BFWG five year work plan – click here.
We have an open invitation to all who are invested in beginning farmers to join the conversation. We ask that all participants follow our Community Agreements.
This Working Group meets every third Thursday of the month at 10am EST via Zoom.
Contact our Working Group Coordinator to join the meetings.
- Tessa Wieneke –
- Sophia L. Buggs, known as Lady Buggs, owner and operator of Lady Buggs Pharm
- Jason B. Tartt, Co-founder of EDGE (Economic Development Greater East)
Beginning Farmer Programs By State – Across central Appalachia, programs are available to beginning and early-career farmers to help them achieve their goal of creating a sustainable farm business. These programs can help beginning farmers develop skills and knowledge to create whole farm business plans, financial management, and more.

Green Edge Workshop participants learn about high tunnel farming techniques. Photo by Rural Action.
- Community Farm Alliance
- Grow Appalachia
- Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development
- University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service
North Carolina
- Organic Growers School
- North Carolina Agricultural and Technical (A&T) State University
- Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy
- Appalachian Center for Economic Networks
- Lady Buggs Farm
- Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
- Solid Ground Farm
- Rural Action
Washington DC
West Virginia
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