SFF Impact Report

Solar Finance Fund (SFF) had a brilliant year! SFF catalyzes solar development in local communities by providing competitive grant sub-awards, technical assistance and credit enhancements to help nonprofits, public institutions and small businesses go solar. The resulting projects create jobs, spur business growth, attract investment, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, retain local wealth and increase resilience in areas hardest hit by the decline in the region’s coal economy. Download their Impact Report below to see the positive effects they have had in the region!

Here are some impressive highlights:
  • 5 Central Appalachian States served (Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Virginia, Tennessee)
  • 42 Communities Engaged
  • 47 New Solar Project Supported
  • $1.6 Million Funding Pledged
  • $15 Million Total Investment Leveraged
  • $25 Million Lifetime Financial Benefits
  • 4,065 Tons Equivalent Emission Reduced Annually
  • 6.4 Megawatts of New Solar Energy Deployed
  • 116 Additional Jobs Supported
  • 104 Solar Jobs Directly Retained
  • 20 New Solar Jobs Created