CEWG Mini Grant Powers Professionals to Go Electric!

In 2022, CAN had the opportunity to distribute Rapid Response Mini-Grants to fund projects for CAN Clean Energy Clean Working Group participants to advance and defend clean energy policies in Virginia, Tennessee, West Virginia, Ohio, and Kentucky. These are the success stories of those grants. Rural Action is driving to a future that uplifts Appalachian […]

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How to Use SFF Funding For Your NONPROFIT

Build a brighter future for your nonprofit and community by powering your organization with solar energy! Adding solar panels can bring big cost savings to your bottom line. Nonprofit organizations, including homeless shelters, educational institutions, medical centers, and faith institutions, can apply for a direct grant sub-award to offset up to 20% of total project […]

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PROJECT DETAILS FUNDING: The Appalachian Solar Finance Fund awarded Good Works $8,250 in October 2022, adding to a $31,755 total investment. PLACEMENT: Appalachian Renewable Power Systems (ARP Solar) donated volunteer labor, placing an 11-kW solar array on the building. ENERGY SAVINGS: Good Works’ solar installation is set to offset over half of the organization’s annual […]

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A Fair Food System: Summit 6 Recap

Summit Five March 23, 2023 9:00AM–1:00PM EST Day Six Recording: https://youtu.be/fi5W6vPUm6Q Slides: CAN Summit 6 Slides Links & Additional Resources: USDA RFSP Application Page: https://www.ams.usda.gov/services/grants/rfsp/apply USDA RFSP March 29th Webinar: https://www.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_LJgr-SU9QTKl8cnxa8qM4A Osteopathic Heritage Foundtions website: https://osteopathicheritage.org/ Recommendations for the Farm Bill: https://action.oeffa.com/farm-bill/ Invest Appalachia Fund: https://mailchi.mp/e82dbc628291/19m-for-invest-appalachia?e=0c7badede0 Speakers We are proud to welcome a litany of […]

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SOLAR SUCCESS STORY: Moonbow at 2nd & Main

  PROJECT DETAILS FUNDING: Moonbow at 2nd & Main was awarded $6,276 in Solar Finance Fund technical assistance cost support in June 2022. PLACEMENT: A 27-kW rooftop solar array was installed on a historic downtown building that now serves as a local event venue with on-site lodging and retail space. ENERGY SAVINGS: After their first […]

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New Roots Farm in West Virginia

New Roots Community Farm: An Agricultural Conservation Easement Success Story

Accessing working land is one of the biggest challenges for a beginning farmer. New Roots Community Farm is working to tackle this barrier through its work with the West Virginia Agrarian Commons and the Agrarian Land Trust by showcasing equitable land tenure models s. New Roots Community Farm https://www.newrootscommunityfarm.com/whoweare is a diversified, women-led farm that […]

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Solar Panels and Mountains

How to Use SFF Funding For Your FARM

Imagine the sun doing double duty on your farm by growing your agricultural products while also powering your equipment and infrastructure. Installing solar power solutions is a bonus for your bottom line. Get direct funding & assistance for your farm’s solar projects The Appalachian Solar Finance Fund https://solarfinancefund.org/index.php/how-it-works/ jump-starts emerging local solar markets in Central […]

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A Fair Food System: Summit 5 Recap

 Summit Five January 26, 2023 9:00AM–1:00PM EST Day Five Recording: https://youtu.be/l3Dsd63S6AA Slides: CAN Summit 5 Slides Links & Additional Resources: “Food as Medicine: Current Efforts and Potential Opportunities” testimony before the United States Senate Subcommittee on Food and Nutrition, Specialty Crops, Organics, and Research: https://www.agriculture.senate.gov/hearings/food-as-medicine-current-efforts-and-potential-opportunities Appalachian Harvest Food Hub: https://www.asdevelop.org/programs-resources/food-hub/ Appalachian Harvest Herb Hub:  https://www.asdevelop.org/programs-resources/herbhub/ […]

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Solar panels on a church

SOLAR SUCCESS STORY: St. Paul Lutheran Church

PROJECT DETAILS FUNDING:  $14,064 in July 2022. This gift covered a quarter of the church’s total investment toward the project. PLACEMENT: A 31-kW solar array was installed on the 60-year-old church’s roof. IMPACT: The efforts in solar have provided lasting opportunities for the church to engage in “green ministry” by reducing its ecological footprint. COST […]

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Solar Panels and Mountains

Solar Power Funding Blazes New Jobs for West Virginia’s Coal-Impacted Communities

Solar power is bringing jobs and aiding a just transition for southern West Virginia communities thanks to a generous federal grant award. The Appalachian Solar Finance Fund (SFF) is proud to be part of the Appalachian Climate Technologies (ACT Now) Coalition’s RePower Appalachia initiative! This historic West Virginia-based coalition won a $62.8 million grant award […]

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A Fair Food System: Summit 4 Recap

Summit Four October 27, 2022 9:00AM–1:00PM EST Day Four Recording: https://youtu.be/7oFSRn5E3RU Slides: https://www.cannetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/CAN-Summit-4-Slides.pdf Summit Four Jamboard: https://www.cannetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/CAN-Summit-4-Jamboard.pdf Links & Additional Resources: NIFA Listens Stakeholder Input Opportunity on 11/02: https://www.nifa.usda.gov/nifa-listens-2022 GusNIP Program Page: https://www.nifa.usda.gov/grants/programs/hunger-food-security-programs/gus-schumacher-nutrition-incentive-program 2022 GusNIP Nutrition Incentive Program RFA: https://www.nifa.usda.gov/grants/funding-opportunities/gusnip-nutrition-incentive-program 2022 GusNIP Produce Prescription Program RFA: https://www.nifa.usda.gov/grants/funding-opportunities/gus-schumacher-nutrition-incentive-program-produce-prescription 2022 RFA Webinars: https://www.nifa.usda.gov/gusnip-webinars FAQs: https://www.nifa.usda.gov/gusnip-faqs KP&P Survey for ARC […]

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A Fair Food System: Summit 3 Recap

Summit Three September 22, 2022 9:00AM–1:00PM EST Day Three Recording: https://youtu.be/-hdIahv0CuY Slides: https://www.cannetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/CAN-Summit-3-Slides.pdf https://www.cannetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/CAN-NIFA-Presentation-Slides.pdf https://www.cannetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/USDA-Recovery-Programs.pdf Links & Additional Resources: https://www.nifa.usda.gov/grants/programs/agriculture-food-research-initiative-afri/rapid-response-extreme-weather-events-across-food-agriculture-systems-a1712 Attendee Survey: https://form.jotform.com/222404421097044 Speakers We are proud to welcome a litany of talented food systems experts from across Appalachia. Below, you can read about each speaker slated to present at the second session of A Fair […]

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